Sunday, January 3, 2010

Year of Silence

A number of Christian bodies in Germany have taken initiative for  2010 to be a year of silence - Jahr der Stille. Most of them come from the tradition of the word, the protestant tradition. No doubt ours is a time and culture of words. Lots of noise and much of it less than very good. Churches too tend to be noisy and the tradition of silence appears to be fading. Silence is not media-compatible. It's useless for Radio and TV. The internet lives from words and pictures. We are under constant assault of words and noise. 

I welcome the initiative for a year of silence, even though I suspect it will be more words about silence. - Just what I do here. Real silence requires discipline. - As does writing and preaching. Silence is more than not talking. Turning off the constant noise not only outside, but inside, is a real challenge. Becoming quiet has its own blessings. The image of God who is not in the noisy storm or fire, but in the still small voice of a tender breeze is to be pondered more often and more deeply than is usually done. In my view silence and gentleness are cousins. And I wish God's quiet tenderness was as much evoked as God's almighty power. I'm pretty sure the we'd all be better off in our world.

1 comment:

  1. Hansuli
    thanks so much for this post - I shall try to blog about it in coming days and maybe also put it into practise in the chapel - really like teh post about Camus as well
